Welcome to Curtis Johnson's online portfolio
Proven Marketing Planning, Execution, and Measurement Manager
Seeking Marketing Management Opportunities
Seeking Marketing Management Opportunities
My name is Curtis Johnson. I created this site as a tool for leveraging the interactivity and richness of digital media in a way that complements the
traditional paper resume.
If you haven’t already, take a few minutes to review this site. After years of helping customers and partners understand the benefits offered by a
variety of corporations, it seemed logical that I should share the same of myself. By using the navigation at the top of any page, you will find
descriptions of recent experiences. There are also links to portfolio pages representing examples of the work performed in those roles.
The portfolio pages provide an in-depth explanation of the importance, and impact that they had on their organizations. Hopefully with access
to more detail, screenshots, and case studies, you will see the value of including me as a high performing team member in your organization.
Curtis Johnson
Curtis Johnson